This was taken about 2 PM on Sept. 5. The shadows have moved back a lot since then. Winfly occurred and there are 520-some souls on station. They brought fresh fruits and vegetables which were great while they lasted. They also brought the crud. It's not great and it's lasting much longer. Nothing serious, I just hope I get over it before I leave.
Condition 2. This was about 8 AM and the sun WAS up!
Our weather during Winfly has been some of the worst we've experienced all year. Certainly more snow than the whole rest of the winter. If you want a good idea of what conditions can get to, go to this youtube link - This Thursday, the 23rd, the first 'summer' flights begin arriving. Even more importantly, we winterovers begin leaving. A few dozen left during Winfly and now the rest of us will. It's definitely time to go. You have to stay up very late or get up way too early to see the Southern Cross constellation. The novelty of seeing the sun has worn off. Several weeks ago, before the sun topped the ridge to shine on town, I walked out to Hut Point to peak 'around the corner'. Didn't even think about looking directly at it, but I remembered pretty quick. . . .
It's too crowded. Someone is sitting in 'my seat' in the galley at break. Someone is hanging their coat on 'my hook'. There are lines. I'm almost out of decent beer, two-ply tp and whiskey. There are holes in my long johns and shirts, in most of my socks. For some of us, it's been over a year already, almost 13 months. The other day someone said they would like to go to sleep and wake up when it was time to go. I understand the feeling. Three weeks from now I will be arriving in Christchurch. While I wrote this, I went under 500 hours to go. We have computer programs to keep track of such things.
Having said that . . . I signed a job offer to return next winter, Feb. through Sept. There are some really great people down here, a number of them good friends. It would be fun to come back as a town electrician. I'll have to see exactly what I get offered.
The United States Antarctic Program. The first time you come for the adventure. The second time is for money. The third time is because your friends are here. After that it's because you don't fit anywhere else. This was my fourth trip. I've spent over three years of my life on the Ice. I believe I qualify as an OAE, Old Antarctic Explorer.
As to my trip back, first stop, about a week in Christchurch to take care of a little business and relax. You may have heard about the earthquake there. It didn't have much affect, not on the company employees, company facilities nor any of the places we generally stay. I plan to eat lots of fresh vegetables and drink some tap beer. Or was it eat some fresh vegetables and . . . Then it's off to Bali for a little over two weeks. So far I have the first seven days scheduled, six of them at a dive resort. I've got some ideas about other things to do, but will wait until I've talked with other people there. After that it's a few days in Sydney, with a trip to the fish market for mud bugs and another to the Opera House for the Symphony. Who knows what else. Then home.
I'll have my computer until I leave, but I'm not packing it with me on my travels. I've got enough just hauling my dive gear around. So if you would, hold all those great jokes, forwards and other stuff until I get back to the States. I'll see you folks in PA after Nov.9.
And to everyone else - see ya whenever